Sunday, March 30, 2008

Hammer Time!

Having lived previously in a house with just one bathroom I decided that adding a 1/2 bath would increase value, and as this house will eventually be a rental, make it a much more agreeable roomate situation. Yep I like tools. The saw seen here did the "heavy lifting".

The need to cut the slab is so I can put a 23 foot sewer pipe to carry the afluent from the new bath, and the water from the washer in the new laundry room.

The slab is 4" - 7" thick and the saw is very efficient at cutting it. The
busting, prying and removing of the concrete is pretty satisfying labor.

My best partner in this project, my father is off in two weeks for a long drive in his motor home. Good news is I'll have a place to live (house sitting) - and the good news is that I'll have to stand on my own on all the plumbing and electrical skills that he has shared with me over the years...

1 comment:

Jenio said...

Ugh I wish Dad was still helping you there...apparently the "motorhome" train is going to be passing this way.